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vendredi, août 14, 2009

Enneagram test

Your result for The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test...

1- the Perfectionist

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose CZ - your Enneagram type is ONE (aka "The Reformer").

"I do everything the right way"

Perfectionists are realistic, conscientious, and principled.

They strive to live up to their high ideals.

How to Get Along with Me

• Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work.

• Acknowledge my achievements.

• I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am.

• Tell me that you value my advice.

• Be fair and considerate, as I am.

• Apologize if you have been unthoughtful. It will help me to forgive.

• Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but hear my worries first.

What I Like About Being a ONE

• being self-disciplined and able to accomplish a great deal

• working hard to make the world a better place

• having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself

• being reasonable, responsible, and dedicated in everything I do

• being able to put facts together, coming to good understandings, and figuring out wise solutions

• being the best I can be and bringing out the best in other people

What's Hard About Being a ONE

• being disappointed with myself or others when my expectations are not met

• feeling burdened by too much responsibility

• thinking that what I do is never good enough

• not being appreciated for what I do for people

• being upset because others aren't trying as hard as I am

• obsessing about what I did or what I should do

• being tense, anxious, and taking things too seriously

ONEs as Children Often

• criticize themselves in anticipation of criticism from others

• refrain from doing things that they think might not come out perfect

• focus on living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers

• are very responsible; may assume the role of parent

• hold back negative emotions ("good children aren't angry")

ONEs as Parents

• teach their children responsibility and strong moral values

• are consistent and fair

• discipline firmly

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele, The Enneagram Made Easy. Discover the 9 Types of People.

Harper: San Francisco, 1994, 161 pages

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Ones (Enneagram of Personality)
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The Enneagram (clickable)

Ones, in the Enneagram of Personality teaching originated by P.D. Ouspensky, are people of the psychological type represented by point number one on the Enneagram figure.

According to the Enneagram of Personality there are nine interconnected ego and archetypal psychological types. Although the nine Enneagram types are usually called personality types (or character types) they are now increasingly called 'Enneatypes'.

Enneagram of Personality teachers also often use other words to describe certain distinctive characteristics of each Enneatype. Ones are sometimes referred to as 'reformers', 'perfectionists' and other terms that seek to indicate their more distinctive personality characteristics.

* 1 General characteristics
* 2 Childhood issues
* 3 Wings
o 3.1 Ones with a dominant Nine wing
o 3.2 Ones with a dominant Two wing
* 4 Instinctual subtypes
o 4.1 Self-preservation
o 4.2 Social
o 4.3 Sexual
* 5 Principal psychological issues
* 6 Riso and Hudson's psychological levels
* 7 Positive personality qualities
* 8 Overview

[edit] General characteristics

Ones are people motivated to improve their environments and overcome moral adversity to make themselves, and ideally the world, more in line with their morals.

Ones learn to repress their emotions and instincts (particularly rage) to stay true to their principles. By trying to become perfect they may create their own personal hells. When they understand that it is important to trust life and accept things the way they are they begin to improve themselves.

[edit] Childhood issues

As children, Ones may have believed they had to be good to be accepted. Therefore they may become serious and take on responsibilities at a young age.

Many Ones may feel a disconnection from their biological fathers. This does not mean that their fathers were bad parents but that an essential bonding didn't happen. As a result Ones may decide to become his or her own father-figure and try to live up to this rigorous standard.

[edit] Wings

[edit] Ones with a dominant Nine wing

When Ones with a dominant Nine wing are psychologically healthy they are often scholarly and reclusive. They may be viewed by others as kind, generous and considerate. They are often intellectuals and are devoted to their principles.

In more average psychological health they tend to also be reclusive but may become elitist and condescending to people they consider "less" than themselves.

When in unhealthy psychological states they may cut themselves off from their emotions and contradictions. They may also resist opinions contrary to their own and have no compassion for others. They may become obsessed with the wrongdoings of others and try to rectify them while ignoring contradictions in their own behavior. They may not have an understanding of the harm they inflict on others.

[edit] Ones with a dominant Two wing

Ones with a dominant Two wing tend to use their moral ideals and desires to move others into a movement for reform. They may be persuasive and seek to enlist other people to help with their good causes.

In more average psychological health they may be adept with political matters but may also become critical and irritable when frustrated.

When unhealthier they may become intolerant, condescending and manipulative. They may deceive themselves about their motives and be self-righteous when their motives are questioned. They may also become hypocrital, develop compulsive habits, or have nervous breakdowns if they are anxious about their self-contradictions.

[edit] Instinctual subtypes

According to mainstream Enneagram teaching, personality is strongly influenced by which of the three instincts of the Instinctual Center—self-preservation, social, sexual (intimacy)—is most dominant. In Enneagram of Personality teaching, the dominant instinct is usually called the instinctual subtype.

[edit] Self-preservation

More average Ones worry about their material well-being, and have a strong drive for self-gratification. However, their superegos tend to counter such drives. Each mistake they make is a catastrophe to them. They are often fastidious about their environments, such as Felix Unger in The Odd Couple. Whatever they worry about, they scold in others. Health conscious Ones would scold others for not taking care of their health, while penny-pinching Reformers would scold others for not taking care of their finances.

Unhealthy self-preservation Ones often become obsessed with health matters and go between unhealthy extremes of binging and purging.

[edit] Social

Social Ones the reforms they see as important come into reality. Their sense of themselves comes from their ability to hold strong opinions and argue about them. Their views are rigid and become a sort of armor that protects them from the world.

When unhealthy, Social Ones hold unrealistic standards for themselves, others, and society as a whole. They rant and rave about what they see as the imperfections of humanity.

[edit] Sexual

Sexual Ones search for an idealized partner who holds similar ideals, leading to broken relationships because their partners do not reach their standards. They put a high emphasis on fidelity and often fear abandonment. They may feel a need to monitor their partner's actions and whereabouts, and become very critical and controlling.

More unhealthy Sexual Ones may feel alternating bouts of desire and repression of that desire. They may believe that controlling the partner is the solution to their problems. Their jealousy leads them to question the partner constantly. In extreme cases, they try to punish themselves or their partners to get rid of their desires.

[edit] Principal psychological issues

* Feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders
* Feeling the need to educate others in condescending ways
* Anger for not living up to their own ideals
* Striving for their (often impossible) ideals
* A need to progress to justify their existence
* Always being right
* Being fastidious and rigidly punctual
* Unhealthy self-restraint
* Being hypercritical and hypocritical
* Perfectionism

[edit] Riso and Hudson's psychological levels

According to the Enneagram theories of Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, each person's Enneatype is expressed in nine distinct psychological states on a continuum from very healthy to very unhealthy. A summary of the levels for Ones follows:
Level 1 Let go of their belief that they can look at the world objectively and achieve their basic desire to have integrity and be good.
Level 2 Depend on their superegos to guide them for life and do not push others to live the same way.
Level 3 Try to live their lives by their consciences and with reason. They are very ethical and teach by example.
Level 4 Start to convince others about the ethics of their viewpoint and point out what's wrong with the world.
Level 5 Try to live by their own impossible standards and become irritable and tense.
Level 6 Become perfectionistic, sarcastic and opinionated.
Level 7 Become close-minded, bitter, and highly self-righteous.
Level 8 Start to act out on their repressed desires while hypercritically condemning them.
Level 9 Realizing they have lost control they try to purge themselves of their obsessions by self-mutilation, murder or suicide.

[edit] Positive personality qualities

* Honesty
* Integrity
* Not being motivated by personal advantage or gain
* Ethical standards for personal guidance that aren't shoved in others' throats
* Self-discipline
* Wisdom and discernment

[edit] Overview

Ego fixation: Resentment
Holy idea: Perfection
Basic Fear: Being corrupt/evil, defective
Basic Desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be balanced
Temptation: To be hypercritical or hypocritical of others.
Vice/Passion: Anger
Virtue: Serenity
Stress/Disintegration point: Four (Angry, critical Ones suddenly become moody and irrational like Fours.)
Security/Integration point: Seven (Objective, principled Ones become more spontaneous and joyful like healthy Sevens.)

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